
Thank God, I am so blessed.
I spent over 4 years doing a job that I love, for a team that I grew up admiring and cheering for. That’s rare.

That’s Long Story Short.

This is Long Story Long:
Before I start this, I considered not posting anything. I don’t think I’m that important. However, I do think some of the things I’ve accomplished are.

I then realized I owed it to myself after many great years to do this…more importantly, I owe it to the young black kids that come from the same background as myself. Maybe just one of them will read this and know that their dream is within reach.

I remember sitting in class at ECU, Dan Hilsin and I would talk about how cool it would be to be a Graphic Designer for the Carolina Panthers…our favorite team. We both thought it was just a pipe dream, little did I know…. I would be the first in franchise history. Take that in.

I’m so blessed to have been in that position. I went to Garinger High, which was my first introduction to Economic Disparity. My friends and I talk about it often. It seems extreme, but so many of my friends from middle and high school didn’t graduate, went to prison, or are dead. I was blessed to have an amazing environment at home, but this could be a different story easily.

Statistically speaking I’m not so sure that I should have even made it this far.


When I got to ECU I experienced culture shock. Often one of the only black faces in a class of 100 people. Let alone THE only black face in many of my graphic design classes. I questioned my talent often, wondering if I was even good enough to be a graphic designer, let alone one day working in the NFL. After an amazing Internship with the Atlanta Falcons, and a short stint with The Home Depot, I was hired by my favorite team. I want to break that down and put this in perspective. There are only 32 teams in the NFL, during a time with thousands of up and coming sports designers. I, Cameron Blackmon from Garinger High was fortunate enough to work full-time for one.

My first season was a whirlwind, we went 15-1. I had the opportunity to have my family fly out with me to San Francisco and enjoy the biggest spectacle in all of sports, one of the greatest events of the year…. The Super Bowl. It is during times like this that my accomplishments meant the most to me. I now had the opportunity to share that wealth with the people that meant the most to me.

I’ve worked on projects that I could have only dreamed of prior. From being trusted to handle our ticket booklet as a solo designer, to creating decals and logos that would be plastered all over the stadium, and often times even on the players helmets and jerseys. Seeing my work in fans hands or on the field was extremely gratifying.

Family and I at the Super Bowl ( it was windy; please don’t show my mother I posted this )

Obviously, as they say nothing worth having comes easy. Sports is easily one of the greatest fields to work in. There aren’t many things that can beat it. The culture, tradition, and all-around entertainment factor. With that said there is also a grind to match, your values and the work you put in determine whether it will be worth it for you. I always joke about the changing landscape of sports content with this one anecdote. 3 years ago, I was being asked to make a Schedule release graphic about 2 days prior “Just don’t mess up“ was my only task. In comparison I’ll never forget one year Christine Zambetti (49ers Design Manager) asked me about 3 months before Schedule Release “So what do you all have planned?!?!“ I looked so baffled. But the truth is, things were evolving, what used to be a quick static graphic, teams like the Falcons and Seahawks are now putting in real production budget and man-power to be the best. It’s so cool to see the growth, I can only imagine what content will be 5 years from now.

NOW the main point of me writing this is to encourage young black designers that they can also make it, whether in this field or another. If you look at the pictures above there are consistently two common themes.

  • 1. I am surrounded by a phenomenal group of talented individuals that I love and learn from so often. (no really, I LOVE you guys like family.)

  • 2. I am often one of only a few that look like myself.
    I hope that this trend won’t be the case as time goes forward... I plan to take steps to help remedy that.

One of the goals that I have for myself is to create change within my community. Currently I mentor a high school designer, and soon I will begin taking on speaking and teaching engagements with local programs and schools, telling them about my experience and how they are capable of surpassing the things that I have accomplished. That is the most important part of my transition. I was never the greatest, fastest, or most innovative designer…but I still did it. I believe a great deal of it was pure prayer, determination and personality. Out of all of the talent related compliments I’ve received my favorite at a Design Conference was “You’re just as hilarious and cool as you are on Twitter!“ That means so much to me, connecting with people and having good experiences with them is what I take pride in above any of the career accomplishments (though I work damn hard at what I do).

I will wrap this up because God knows I can get long winded. (My friends will tell you I will talk about Topic A, and have 10 sub plots, and lose my train of thought lol).

I will continue working alongside sports. Only the future will tell whether I ever return in the same capacity. For now, I still will be working with athletes, pro teams and schools to create. I will probably never leave sports design alone, even if only for fun. I’ve been doing this since high school, it’s my passion. For now however I have other plans in motion. I move next week, that should be fun. Where my career is headed has been about 2 years in the making, anyone close to me could tell you that. I’m blessed to finally have the opportunity to do so.

To end it. I am the happiest that I’ve been in a long time, I am so grateful to have been hired by people that saw my talent and potential and only wanted to see it grow. (Thanks Greg and Herbster). I look forward to seeing what other creatives push out, and know that I admire what you all do, people see the end result, but don’t see the effort and sacrifice that goes into it all. The thing that I will miss most is the relationships I built with people in that building.

Thank you to everyone that has helped me grow to this point, there are too many to name, but you know who you all are. Hopefully I have left a lasting impact on you as well.

All Love….
and #KeepPounding
